
FAIRE Issue 4

$20.00 $39.00

FAIRE Magazine is a European quarterly magazine centred around visual story telling of creative practice all over the world.

Inside issue 4 they celebrate a wonderful group of 21 creatives, artists, and artisans from around the world.
Featuring French creative duo Ad Libitum; Swedish Chef & Activist Sofia Bodovic Olsson; South African Botanical artist Shannon Clegg; Mallorcan design duo Con Alma Design; American impresario and author Rachel Dangermond; American makers Dreamers Supply Co; Australian Fermenting Expert Maestro Sharon Flynn; Gee’s Bend quilters; French illustrator Marin Montagut takes us inside famous French art store Sennilier; Irish heritage textile company Mourne Textiles; Australian botanical artist Aimee Pradel; writer Ruth Steadman and American design Dawn Sweitzer of Notre Monde.
FAIRE creatives create work including Fibers (weaving, embroidery and natural dying); painting, fashion design, ceramics, floral design, food (with recipes), leatherworking and heritage pastel making. 

In today’s world of social media, creative work can happily reach a global audience, but many artists find it creatively debilitating. Work is reduced to “content,” and everything becomes ephemeral and forgettable. We never truly see past the perfect frame or scratch the surface of what makes our favourite creatives tick.

FAIRE has created something joyfully physical, something to be treasured, a magazine you take your time to read and return to in moments of reflection.

Considered, intimate, and honest stories that bring us into artists’ homes and creative spaces; stories of slowing down, creating with intention, community and collaboration, and examining the twists and turns of creative lives and how to finally find your voice.

Creativity can take on so many forms. Powerful, physical work made by hand; vessels that carry an artist’s thoughts and dreams. It can also be seen in how we create a home, tend our gardens, or set the table for friends coming over for dinner. Creativity is at work when we are positive catalysts for change within our community, when we find ways to share our knowledge and create learning opportunities to help others soar.

FAIRE is committed to building a creative community on and off its pages while opening up opportunities for collaboration and skill sharing.

As makers ourselves, we are great believers in sharing the story of quality workmanship. Our curated wares come with our personal recommendation, based off our own philosophy and unique experiences.

Our wares are sourced by Saddler & Co brand director, Jemima Aldridge, from makers all the world over. Beautiful items that we use ourselves, carefully brought to you with unique individuality in mind. 

We hope these objects enhance your life and bring meaning to your home.

When your chosen item is in stock, please allow up to 3 days for your order to ship. Alternatively, contact our team directly to arrange Express shipping.

The Saddler & Co range is limited in nature, made in small batches at a time. If your preferred item has sold out and specifies "PRE-ORDER" this means there will be a lead time on your order. A pre-order product will be scheduled for our next production run and we will update you on the approximate completion date.

Our team is happy to assist with your questions or discussing a specific timeframe. We appreciate your patience and understanding there may sometimes be a wait of up 4-6 weeks for Pre-Orders to be completed and shipped.

Patience is worthwhile for a piece that will be enjoyed for many a year.

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